The Historians of Islamic Art Association (or HIAA) is dedicated to promoting the study and teaching of the art, architecture and archaeology of Islamic cultures world-wide. HIAA also connects colleagues engaged in scholarly and professional activities related to Islamic art, and provides information about current programs and resources vital to the field’s continued development.

Learn more about HIAA and if you’re not currently a member, we invite you to join us.

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Participate in HIAA’s program of scholarly meetings, including the Majlis held in conjunction with annual MESA meetings, HIAA-affiliated panels at CAA and other major international conferences, and HIAA’s own Biennial Symposia. Members also receive discounted registration to the Biennial Symposia.

Apply for HIAA fellowships and prizes

Members are eligible to apply for the Grabar grants and fellowships and the annual Margaret B. Ševčenko Prize in Islamic Art and Culture.

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HIAA members receive a discount on select titles and series from Brill.

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