About HIAA
Missions Statement
The Historians of Islamic Art Association (HIAA) is a non-profit scholarly organization dedicated to the study and teaching of the art, architecture, and archaeology of Islamic cultures. We facilitate communication and cooperation among scholars, students, and other professionals in these fields. Our workshops, conferences, and symposia promote collaborative, interdisciplinary research across the globe. HIAA funds research and pedagogy that takes an ethical approach toward the study and curating of cultural artifacts. The organization prioritizes creating a community based on mutual respect, inclusivity, and accessibility, and strives to be a platform where those traditionally underrepresented are welcome. We stand in solidarity with struggles against all forms of discrimination including those based on national origin, faith, race, ethnicity, language, gender, sexuality, and sexual preference.
History and Activities of the Organization
Established in 1982 as the North American Historians of Islamic Art (NAHIA), the organization has since grown into an international group with members in the Middle East, Africa, South and Southeast Asia and Europe. In 1996, the name was changed to Historians of Islamic Art (HIA) to reflect the broader objectives of the organization and its efforts to foster cooperation with colleagues beyond North America. In 2006 the organization became an unincorporated association under the laws of the state of New York, and the name expanded to Historians of Islamic Art Association (HIAA).
To fulfill its objectives and promote its goals, HIAA holds a Majlis (gathering) in conjunction with the annual meetings of affiliated professional associations, most often the College Art Association (CAA). At these gatherings members present short papers on current research and participate in HIAA’s annual business meeting. In 2008 the association launched a series of biennial symposia, held over several days, designed to encourage in-depth discussion of themes and issues relevant to the study of Islamic arts and cultures today. The inaugural Biennial Symposium, on the theme of “Spaces & Visions,” took place at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in October 2008.
Most recently, in March 2023, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston and Rice University hosted the Eighth Biennial Symposium "Expanding Contexts." See the conference program and abstracts here.
Read the Newsletter here.
Current HIAA Board
- Emine Fetvacı, President
- Nancy Um, President-Elect
- Kishwar Rizvi, Past President
- Jennifer Pruitt, Treasurer
- Emily Neumeier, Secretary
- Sana Mirza, Webmaster and News Editor
- Farshid Emami, H-ISLAMART Editor
- Heba Mahmoud Saad Abdelnaby, International Representative
- Abbey Stockstill, Social Media Manager
- Bermet Nishanova, Graduate Student Representative
To join HIAA, visit: https://www.historiansofislamicart.org/membership
For membership and payment queries, email: historiansofislamicart@gmail.com
For posting to H-Islamart, email: editorial-Islamart@mail.h-net.org
For website queries, email: webmaster.hiaa@gmail.com
President's email: presidentislamicarthistory@gmail.com