Call for Papers
Ars Orientalis 56 Call for Papers
Ars Orientalis invites submissions of innovative articles on the arts of the broad geographic area of Asia, from the ancient period to the contemporary. Visit site ViewHIAA Members-Only Content
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Online Workshops Resources
Career Diversity Resources
HIAA Alt-ac and Alt-cu Workshop
Compiled by Yael Rice with the generous input of Maggie Nettesheim-Hoffmann, Nancy Micklewright, and Amanda Hannoosh Steinberg. ViewHIAA Members-Only Content
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Online Workshops Resources
Resources for Researching and Publishing the Provenance Histories of Islamic Art
April 2024
Compiled by Anne Dunn-Vaturi, Inês Fialho Brandão, Margaret Graves, Martina Rugiadi, Amanda Phillips, Eiren Shea, and Elizabeth Dospěl Williams
Kenyon College, Visiting Assistant Professor of Art History, 2024–26
Kenyon College invites applications for a two-year, full-time Visiting Assistant Professor of Art History beginning August 2024. The area of specialization is open, but candidates with teaching expertise in the arts of the Islamic world or Ancient Art of any region before 600 CE are especially encouraged to apply. ViewWorkshops
Arabic Pasts: Histories and Historiographies
Aga Khan Centre, London and online, 3-5 October 2024
Arabic Pasts is co-organized by Hugh Kennedy (SOAS), James McDougall (Oxford), Lorenz Nigst (AKU-ISMC), and Sarah Bowen Savant (AKU-ISMC).
October 21-24, 2024
We are pleased to announce, “Understanding Carpets and Rug Weaving,” a four-day workshop organized and hosted by The George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum. Held from October 21 through October 24 at the museum’s Avenir Foundation Conservation and Collections Resource Center, the workshop will be led by Walter B. Denny (The Textile Museum Research Associate, The University of Massachusetts Amherst) and Sumru Belger Krody (Senior Curator, The Textile Museum Collection) with support from the museum’s curatorial staff. The workshop will address professional concerns of museum curators and academic scholars from all levels of experience including those currently undertaking graduate study.
New Publication: Approaching Architecture in the Muslim World: Novel Paths of Investigations
Edited by Ruba Kana’an and Avinoam Shalem
Volume 4 (2023): Issue 2 (Feb 2024): Special Issue: Approaching Architecture in the Muslim World: Novel Paths of Investigations, edited by Ruba Kana‘an and Avinoam Shalem
in Journal of Material Cultures in the Muslim World. ViewCall for Papers
International Journal of Islamic Architecture (IJIA) Special Issue
“Gender and Architecture in the Islamic World: Restrictions, Reactions, and Actions”
Thematic volume planned for June 1, 2026
Proposal submission deadline: June 15, 2024
Guest Editor: Dr. Gül Kale, Carleton University
In-house editor: Dr. Alex Dika Seggerman, Rutgers University
Persian Manuscript Materials Website
Recently launched!
Created by Prof. Dr. Mandana Barkeshli in collaboration with Dr. Sadra Zekrgoo, this platform is now accessible online at: This platform is dedicated…
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Call for Participation
Alternative Careers for the Islamic Art History PhD
April 17, 2024
11am CST/ 12:00 EST/ 17:00 GMT
ViewCall for Papers
HIAA Sponsored Panel at CAA 2025
Proposals are due APRIL 17!
HIAA will sponsor a session at CAA’s Annual Conference in New York City, February 12-15, 2025. We are now asking for proposals for a panel session soliciting contributors from HIAA members. ViewBook
Gifts in the Age of Empire: Ottoman-Safavid Cultural Exchange, 1500–1639
By Sinem Arcak Casale
The book explores the Safavid and Ottoman empires through the lens of gifts. Visit site ViewSubmit resources and publications
Please submit resources to the HIAA webmaster including the resource name and type, and several sentences about its nature, and a link to further information.