Call for Participation
Support for those affected by the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey
Dear HIAA Community, It is with heartbreak that we hear every day of the tragic effects and aftereffects of the earthquakes that have devastated parts of Syria and Turkey in the past week. Some of you…
The Hajji Baba Club Research Fellowship 2023-2024 (deadline April 28)
Hajji Baba Club
The Hajji Baba Club Research Fellowship supports primary research in the field of carpet studies.
ViewHIAA Newsletters
HIAA Winter 2023 Newsletter
HIAA is pleased to share with its members the 2023 Winter Newsletter. It includes the President's Winter Letter, conversations with authors of new books in Islamic art, notes from the field, biennial symposium program, and member news. Download PDF ViewJournal
Muqarnas 39
Muqarnas 39 (Nov 2022; Gülru Necipoğlu and Maria Metzler, eds.)
Published by Brill, Muqarnas ( is sponsored by the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
ViewKhamseen-A University of Michigan Khamseen-HIAA Initiative, Prize
2nd Annual Khamseen Graduate Student Presentation Award
Applications due March 1
Khamseen’s Graduate Student Presentation Award enables advanced PhD students to feature their expertise and contribute to Khamseen. ViewKhamseen-A University of Michigan Khamseen-HIAA Initiative, Prize
2nd Annual Khamseen Graduate Student Presentation Award
Applications due March 1
Khamseen’s Graduate Student Presentation Award enables advanced PhD students to feature their expertise and contribute to Khamseen. ViewNew jobs/positions
Kluger Professorship in Art History
The Fine Arts Department at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut
The Fine Arts Department at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut invites applications for the new Kluger professorship in Art History. We seek a mid-career or senior scholar with an established record…
Islamic Architecture Today and Tomorrow: (Re)Defining the Field
edited by Mohammad Gharipour and Daniel E. Coslett, UChicago, 2022
A comprehensive introduction for scholars and practitioners to the state of Islamic architecture as a field of inquiry and a snapshot of the issues and challenges facing the field today. Visit site ViewHIAA Members-Only Content
If you have an active membership, log in here. If you are not yet a member, please join us.
Call for Participation
Upcoming HIAA Deadlines + Winter Newsletter 2023 submissions
A reminder that a number of HIAA awards have upcoming deadlines of December 15! ViewNew jobs/positions
History of the Middle East, Tenure-Track Appointment, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
The Department of History invites applications from qualified candidates for a tenure-track appointment at Assistant Professor rank in The History of the Middle East, time period open, beginning on July 1, 2023. ViewNew jobs/positions
Assistant Professor in Art History (Tenure-Track), School of Art and Design University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
College of Fine and Applied Arts
The Art History Program in the School of Art & Design at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor of Art History (Medieval and/or Early Modern) beginning August 16, 2023.
Applications must be received by November 4, 2022!
Deconstructing the Myths of Islamic Art
edited by Onur Öztürk, Xenia Gazi and Sam Bowker, and forward written by Wendy Shaw
Deconstructing the Myths of Islamic Art addresses how researchers can challenge stereotypical notions of Islam and Islamic art while avoiding the creation of new myths and the encouragement of nationalistic and ethnic attitudes. ViewSubmit resources and publications
Please submit resources to the HIAA webmaster including the resource name and type, and several sentences about its nature, and a link to further information.