New jobs/positions
New Curator of Islamic Collections, Chester Beatty Library
After nine years as the IHF Curator for the Iranian Collections at the V&A, this September Dr Moya Carey started in her new role, as the Curator of Islamic Collections at the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin.
Weaving the History: Mystery of a City, Sof
Weaving the History: Mystery of a City, Sof exhibition explores the history of the Angora goat and its precious mohair and the premium, luxurious fabric called sof produced from the Angora goat’s brilliant unadulterated mohair yarn during the Ottoman Era. Sof production and mohair weaving once shaped the economy and social life of Ankara, especially in the 16th century ceased to an end in the 19th century and sof has become a forgotten value. This exhibition catalog documents the making of a research- based exhibition. Furthermore, it aims to become a reference book for researchers by compiling objects demonstrating the importance of the Angora goat and the usages of mohair together with presenting articles authored by researchers from various disciplines.
Prepared and edited by Filiz Yenişehirlioğlu
ISBN: 978-605-9388-13-9
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Crossroads Aleppo: Our city, common heritage, our memory
The aim of the Crossroads Aleppo project is to reach Aleppans in their mother tongue and to draw attention to the importance of the old town and its own cultural heritage as well as to lay the foundations for reconstruction. The first three monuments are now extensively documented in Arabic and English - including the famous Umayyad Mosque. Crossroads Aleppo allows a discussion around the understanding of the Old Town and its reconstruction. The documents directly support the local actors. Scientific documentations on the reconstruction on site are in many cases not accessible, or were looted. The project is part of the Syrian Heritage Archive Project (, located at the Museum of Islamic Art in the Pergamon Museum and has been funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation since 2017. The next phase of 25 catalogue entries is in preparation.
Nourane Ben Azzouna, Aux origines du classicisme: Calligraphes et bibliophiles au temps des dynasties mongoles (Les Ilkhanides et les Djalayirides, 656-814 / 1258-1411)
Aux origines du classicisme. Calligraphes et bibliophiles au temps des dynasties mongoles explores a pivotal period in the history of the book in the Islamic world and Iran, i.e. the Mongol period viewed in a long-term perspective, under the Ilkhanid and the Djalayirid dynasties. It examines the issue of the maturation of classical Arabic calligraphy through the life and work of Yāqūt al-Mustaʿṣimī, which are for the first time subjected to a systematic analysis, highlighting the importance of his school and the Baghdadi masters for the arts of the book of the following decades. The study also looks at the manuscripts of the Muslim Ilkhans and the Vizier Rashīd al-Dīn in the context of the birth of the kitābkhānah and the rise in the status of calligraphers and painters under the last Ilkhanids and the Djalayirids.
Publisher: BRILL
Series: Islamic Manuscripts and Books, Volume: 17
ISBN: 978-90-04-36978-8
Rice University, Assistant or Associate Professor of Islamic Art History
Houston, Texas
The Department of Art History at Rice University invites applications at the Assistant or Associate level for a full time tenure-track or tenured position in the art and architecture of the Islamic world.…
Wellesley College, Assistant Professor of Islamic Art
Wellesley, Massachusetts
The Department of Art at Wellesley College ( invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor specializing in the art, architecture, and/or material culture of the…
Mohamad Reza Ghiasian, Lives of the Prophets: The Illustrations to Hafiz-i Abru’s “Assembly of Chronicles”
In Lives of the Prophets: The Illustrations to Hafiz-i Abru’s “Assembly of Chronicles” Mohamad Reza Ghiasian analyses two extant copies of the Majmaʿ al-tawarikh produced for the Timurid ruler Shahrukh (r. 1405–1447). The first manuscript is kept in Topkapı Palace and the second is widely dispersed. Codicological analysis of these manuscripts not only allows a better understanding of Hafiz-i Abru’s contributions to rewriting earlier history, but has served to identify the existence of a previously unrecognised copy of the Jamiʿ al-tawarikhproduced at Rashid al-Din’s scriptorium. Through a meticulous close reading of both text and image, Mohamad Reza Ghiasian convincingly proves that numerous paintings of the dispersed manuscript were painted over the text before its dispersal in the early twentieth century.
Publisher: BRILL
Series: Studies in Persian Cultural History, Volume: 16
Extent: xvi + 344 pp.
ISBN: 978-90-04-37722-6
Anna Contadini, ed., The Pisa Griffin and the Mari-Cha Lion. Metalwork, Art, and Technology in the Medieval Islamicate Mediterranean
The Pisa Griffin and the Mari-Cha Lion. Metalwork, Art, and Technology in the Medieval Islamicate Mediterranean is an interdisciplinary study focusing on two unique bronze sculptures produced between the late eleventh and the early twelfth century. Through scientific, historical and art historical analyses it investigates the many issues that surround them, including fundamental questions of location and period, purpose and patronage, their transcultural meanings, and their agency as the function of each has mutated.
By bringing related pieces into the discussion, this study seeks to change our understanding of medieval art and metal production in the Western Mediterranean and to highlight the significance of metalworking in Spain and South Italy. It shows how the relationship between these areas and the rest of the Mediterranean was marked by active exchanges of goods and artistic ideas during the period just prior to the development of the better-known Shirazi, Ayyubid and Mamluk inlaid metalwork.
Pisa: Pacini Editore, 2018.
Hard cover 28.5x25x3.5 cm, 544 pages, 374 colour photos and diagrams, €65.
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Boston College, Norma Jean Calderwood University Professorship in Islamic and Asian Art
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
The Art, Art History, and Film Department of Boston College seeks to appoint a distinguished art historian of Islamic Art and Architecture (open specialization and time period) to the Norma Jean Calderwood…
Colgate University, Lecturer in Arabic Studies
Hamilton, New York
The Program in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (MIST) at Colgate University announces an opening for a full-time three-year renewable Lecturer in the Arabic Language. The successful candidate will join…
BRAIS – De Gruyter Prize in the Study of Islam and the Muslim World
The British Association for Islamic Studies (BRAIS) and De Gruyter are delighted to announce the fourth round of the BRAIS – De Gruyter Prize in the Study of Islam and the Muslim World. This international…
Mohamad Reza Ghiasian, Lives of the Prophets: The Illustrations to Hafiz-i Abru's "Assembly of Chronicles
In Lives of the Prophets: The Illustrations to Hafiz-i Abru's "Assembly of Chronicles" Mohamad Reza Ghiasian analyses two extant copies of the Majmaʿ al-tawarikh produced for the Timurid ruler Shahrukh (r. 1405–1447). The first manuscript is kept in Topkapı Palace and the second is widely dispersed. Codicological analysis of these manuscripts not only allows a better understanding of Hafiz-i Abru's contributions to rewriting earlier history, but has served to identify the existence of a previously unrecognised copy of the Jamiʿ al-tawarikh produced at Rashid al-Din's scriptorium. Through a meticulous close reading of both text and image, Mohamad Reza Ghiasian convincingly proves that numerous paintings of the dispersed manuscript were painted over the text before its dispersal in the early twentieth century.
Publisher: BRILL
Series: Studies in Persian Cultural History, Volume: 16
Extent: xvi + 344 pp.
ISBN: 978-90-04-37722-6
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