Grabar Travel & Post-Doctoral Awards
Travel Grant Deadlines: August 15 and December 15
Post-doctoral Fellowship Deadline: December 15
These competitive grants and fellowships, established in memory of Professor Oleg Grabar and supported by the Oleg Grabar Memorial Fund, are intended to encourage and further the professional development of graduate students (Ph.D. candidates) and post-doctoral scholars in all areas of the history of Islamic art, architecture and archaeology. The number and amount of the grants and fellowships will be announced annually in accordance with available funds. The Grabar Grants and Fellowships are administered by HIAA’s Grants and Fellowships Committee which is chaired by Emine Fetvacı.
Oleg Grabar Memorial Fund
The Historians of Islamic Art Association (HIAA) has established a permanent fund in memory of Professor Oleg Grabar and in support of the annual award of Grabar Grants and Fellowships.
Funding Request and Levels
HIAA invites you to join this continuing development effort and to become a donor to the Oleg Grabar Memorial Fund in support of the new program of Grabar Grants and Fellowships.
- Leadership Donors: $10,000 or above
- Sponsors: $5,000 or more
- Sustainers: $1,000 or more
- Supporters: $500 or more
- Contributors: any amount up to $500
Donation Options
Donation by check, drawn on a US bank and made out to Historians of Islamic Art Association, may be mailed to:
Jennifer Pruitt
HIAA Treasurer
1127 C Street SE, Unit 4
Washington, DC 20003 USA
For donation by wire transfer, please contact the HIAA Treasurer at historiansofislamicart@gmail.com
Donors of $500 or more will be acknowledged in the Grabar Grant and Fellowship program information and publicly at HIAA’s Biennial Symposia.
How to apply
Applicants must be HIAA members in good standing at the time of application. Membership status will be verified by the HIAA Secretary, as necessary. Applicants from outside the United States are responsible for meeting the requirements for and obtaining any visas necessary for visits to or residence and research in the United States. Upon request, HIAA will supply documentation of the grant and/or fellowship award, the dates of the award, and financial support.
Grabar Travel Grant
This competition is open to graduate students (doctoral candidates) who have been invited or accepted as participants in a scholarly conference or other professional meeting for the purpose of presenting papers, chairing sessions or moderating discussions.
The maximum amount of the award is $1000 US.
Applications are accepted for two deadlines each year (August 15 and December 15). Notification will be sent within six weeks of the application deadline. Grabar Travel Grants must be used within 12 months of the award date.
Applications must include in a single PDF the following five components and must be submitted in English.
- Application cover sheet
- A cover letter explaining the applicant’s purpose in participating in the conference, the expected benefits of participation, and an itemized travel budget
- Curriculum vitae
- Letter of acceptance from the conference/session organizer(s).
- Abstract of the paper to be presented.
A letter of recommendation from the applicant’s primary supervisor must be sent via email to the Grabar Committee Chair by the deadline.
All materials should be submitted by email to the Chair of HIAA's Grants and Fellowships Committee.
Grabar Post-doctoral Fellowship
The Grabar Post-doctoral Fellowship is intended to support post-doctoral scholars at early stage of their careers in advancing their research. Fellowship funds may be used in one of two ways:
- To spend up to two months in residence as a visiting professor or fellow/research scholar at a university, museum, research institute or similar institution outside their usual country of residence or employment.
- To support additional research to aid in preparing the dissertation for publication. The Grabar Post-doctoral Fellowship will provide up to $2000 US per month, for a maximum of two months. An additional $1000 may be requested for travel or for supplies.
Applicants should have completed their PhD within the last five years or have submitted their dissertations by the start of the fellowship. The fellowship is open to scholars of all nationalities; however applicants are responsible for obtaining required visas for residence and research in the country specified in their application.
Applications are accepted for one deadline each year: December 15. Notification of the award will be sent in January. The fellowship must be completed within twelve months of the award date.
Applications must be submitted in English and must include in a single PDF:
- Application cover sheet
- Curriculum vitae with contact information
- Project proposal (maximum 2,000 words) including the following:
- For the residential fellowship: The proposal should outline proposed research or teaching, and identify the host institution. Make sure to explain why residency at that particular institution is necessary and what resources you anticipate using there. Also please discuss project outcomes and how this opportunity will advance your research or professional development. Please include a schedule of work and a select bibliography.
- For the publication fellowship: The proposal should describe the additional research required and what impact it will have on the finished project. Please provide specifics about research location(s) and the resources required. Explain what will be required to turn the dissertation into a publishable work and provide a schedule of work for the entire project, including the fellowship period.
- Budget organized in the following categories: a) Round-trip travel to research location; b) Lodging and subsistence costs for the fellowship period; c) Local transportation; and d) Research expenses such as visas, permits, photocopies, photographs for publication and permissions ($1000 maximum). The fellowship cannot cover the costs of translators, research assistants, or equipment such as cameras or laptop computers. The maximum award will be $2000 US per month; the maximum award period is two months.
- Letter of recommendation. This must be submitted via email directly from the referee to the Chair of the Grants and Fellowships Committee. The reviewer should comment on the merits of the proposal and the feasibility of the research plan, as well as the potential impact of the fellowship opportunity for the candidate.
- lf applying for the residential fellowship, a letter of invitation from the host institution indicating willingness to host the applicant and the availability of research materials if applicable. This may be forwarded directly to the email address indicated below or it may be included in the application.
All materials should be submitted by email to the Chair of HIAA's Grants and Fellowships Committee. To be considered, applications must have all components included and complete, including the letters of recommendation and letter of invitation, if required.
Prize history
Sarah Sabban
American University of Beirut
Grabar Travel Award
“Crafting National Heritage: Women’s Associations and the Promotion of Arts and Crafts in French Mandate Lebanon.”
To present her paper at the MESA Annual Conference (Montreal, Canada).
Irem Gündüz Polat
Marmara University, Istanbul
Grabar Travel Award
“Religious and Political Contexts Entangled: The Construction of the Mevlevi Lodge in Edirne.”
To present a paper at the HIAA Symposium (Houston, Texas)
Dr. Aila Santi
SOAS, University of London
Grabar Post-Doctoral Fellowship
The Mosque of the Prophet and the Palace: Topography of Faith and Power in Early Islamic Medina
As a Grabar Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dr. Santi will finish preparing her book manuscript The Mosque of the Prophet and the Palace: Topography of Faith and Power in Early Islamic Medina. The book will examine the “urban topography of lower Medina…in the early Islamic period in order to examine and assess the role Medina’s urbanism played in establishing, developing, and spreading the most iconic architectural group in early Islam: the Mosque-dār al-imāra pairing.” The selection committee was particularly impressed by Dr. Santi’s approach which brings classical Arab texts and detailed topographic research together with Mamluk era visual depictions and cartographic representations of Medina. The committee found her proposal to reconstruct the Umayyad era mosque-palace complex of Medina through the use of late medieval texts and visual representations in Hajj scrolls most innovative and compelling. She will travel to Istanbul with her award to finish research and writing of the book.
Selected by
Alex Seggerman, Rutgers Newark
Awarded to
Ahmed Abdelazim
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Grabar Travel Award
“Preachers of Islamic Architecture: Locating the 'Islamic' in Egypt's Architectural Discourse During the 1980s.”
To present a paper at the Middle Eastern Studies Association's (MESA) Annual Conference (Denver, Colorado)
Awarded to
Dr. Eman Shokry Hesham
Grabar Post-Doctoral Fellowship
The Origin of Opus Sectile Floors in Mamluk Architecture
Selected by
Radha Dalal, Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar
Stephennie Mulder, University of Texas at Austin
Asmahan Abu-Alasaad
Tanta University, Egypt
Grabar Travel Award
“A Petition to the Dīwān ăl-Sulṭān from the Collection of the Egyptian National Library.”
To present a paper at the International Congress of Papyrology (Paris, France)
Nausheen Hoosein
University of York, UK
Grabar Travel Award
“From Umayyad Madinat al-Zahra to Almohad Seville: The Plunder and Reuse of Andalusian Capitals.”
To present a paper at the International Medieval Congress (Leeds, UK)
Yeliz Teber
Dhil Student, Oxford University
Grabar Travel Award
"Muslim Heretics in Ottoman Europe during the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries."
To present a paper at the Radical Religious Communities in Pre-Modern Societies at the Hussite Museum (Tabor, Czech Republic)
Sarah Slingluff
Postgraduate Student, University of Edinburgh
Grabar Travel Award
"Hidden in Plain Sight: Andalusi Cultural Heritage Sites in the Southwest Meseta."
To attend the Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (Montreal, Canada).
Awarded to
Dr. Alya Karame
Research Affiliate, The American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Grabar Post-Doctoral Fellowship
The Missing Centuries: Qur’an Manuscripts from the Central and Eastern Islamic Lands, c. 950-1250 CE
This project focuses on a corpus of Qur’an manuscripts and dispersed folios from the Central and Eastern Islamic world dating from c. 950-1250. This period is surprisingly understudied considering the major technical and aesthetic changes in Qur’an manuscripts especially those produced under the Ghaznavids and Ghurids who ruled over lands stretching from eastern Iran to the Indus valley. The project challenges existing epistemological frameworks and geographical biases of the ‘centre-periphery’ model by following three axes of investigation: the circulation of motifs across borders, their translation across media, and the materiality of the Qur’an with the shifting meanings of the manuscript throughout time. Karame identifies over two hundred previously unknown or marginalized manuscripts and orphaned folios written in post-Kufic scripts that demonstrate strong regional schools of calligraphy and potentially challenge our assumptions about the artistic trends of the period. Her commitment to the production of a public-facing, open access digital resource during her Grabar Post-Doc fellowship assures a continued legacy of the project for future scholarship.
Selected by
Ruba Kana‘an (Chair), University of Toronto
Heather Coffey, OCAD University
NancyUm, Binghamton University
Awarded to
Dr. Corinne Mühlemann
Institute for Art History, Department of the History of Textile Arts, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Grabar Post-Doctoral Fellowship
"Complex Weaves: Technique, Text, and Cultural History of Striped Silks"
Awarded to
Zohreh Soltani
PhD Candidate, Art History, University of Binghamton, Binghamton, N.Y.
Grabar Travel Award
"The Prison of Time: Tehran's Qasr Prison Museum as a Transfunctional Monument."
For attendance of the annual conference of the College Art Association, 2020
Awarded to
Maria Gomez Lopez
PhD candidate, History of Art, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Grabar Travel Award
"A Latent Landscape"
This paper is part of panel co-organized by the grantee entitled "Palestine Through its Landscape: Memory, Invention, and Continuity in the Arts."
Awarded to
Maxime Durocher
Grabar Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Zawiyas and Sufis in Medieval Anatolia: Architecture, History, and Settlement Archaeology
Awarded to
Berin Golonu
Grabar Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Structuring Public Leisure Space in Ottoman Cities, from the Late Nineteenth Century to the Present
Awarded to
Erin Nolan
Grabar Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Portrait Atlas: The Circulation of Nineteenth Century Ottoman Photographs
Awarded to
Elizabeth Rauh
Grabar Travel Award
To deliver a paper on ""The Epic of Martyrs: Heroic Imagery and Shi'i Muslim Mythologies in Post-1963 Iraq" at the College Art Association conference, February 2019
Awarded to
Anissa Rahadiningtyas
Grabar Travel Award
To deliver a paper on, “The Elusive Horse Dance and the Discursive Absence of Islam in the History of Modern Art in Indonesia,” at the 2018 HIAA symposium, Yale University
Awarded to
Mikael Muehlbauer
Grabar Travel Award
To deliver a paper on “‘The Canopied Circuit:’ Reconstructing Veils in Medieval Ethiopian Rock-Cut Churches,” at the 20th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Mekelle University, Ethiopia
Awarded to
Cailah Jackson
Grabar Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Illuminated Manuscripts of Medieval Anatolia, 1270s-1370s
Awarded to
Naciem Nikkhah
Grabar Travel Award
To deliver a paper on "The Nasir al-Din Shah Album: A Narrative of Collecting from the Mughals to the Qajars" at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the College Art Association, Los Angeles
Awarded to
Vivek Gupta
Grabar Travel Award
To deliver a paper on "Process and Poetics, Past and Present: Historicizing Shahzia Sikander's Disruption as Rapture (2016) at the symposium “Intersections: Visual Cultures of Islamic Cosmopolitanism" at the Dallas Museum of Art
Awarded to
Paulina Banas
Grabar Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Between Artists, Publishers, and Printmakers: Art, Technology and the Marketing of Islamic Egypt in Nineteenth-Century Illustrated Books
Awarded to
Nikolaos Vryzdis
Grabar Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Ottoman Textiles from Monastic Collections
Awarded to
Nancy Demerdash-Fatemi
Grabar Travel Award
To deliver a paper on “Victor Valensi’s L’Habitation Tunisienne (1928): Jewish Perspectives on Pluralist Vernacular Modernities in Tunisia,” at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, Boston
Awarded to
Alexandra Dika Seggerman
Grabar Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Reawakening Modernism: Art in Egypt 1879-1967
Awarded to
Adeline Laclau
Grabar Travel Award
To deliver a paper on “Exchange in the Mamluk Sultanate: Economic and Cultural,” at the Third Annual Conference on Mamluk Studies, Chicago
Awarded to
Anna McSweeney
Grabar Post-Doctoral Fellowship
The Alhambra Cupola at the Museum für Islamische Kunst, Berlin
Awarded to
Emily Neumeier
Grabar Travel Award
To deliver a paper on “Confronting the Baroque in Republican Istanbul,” at the 69th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Los Angeles
Awarded to
Natalia Di Pietrantonio
Grabar Travel Award
To deliver a paper on "The visual and social history of Awadhi erotic miniatures with reference to the the 'Ishqnama," at the AAH Conference, University of East Anglia
Awarded to
Ashley Dimmig
Grabar Travel Award
To present a paper on “The European Afterlife of Ottoman Tents,” at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, Washington D.C.
Awarded to
Roland Betancourt
Grabar Travel Award
To chair a two-part session on “The Medium, Before and After Modernism,” at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the College Art Association, Chicago
Awarded to
Peter Christiansen
Grabar Travel Award
To present a paper on “Sketchbook, Spade, Gauge: Archaeology and the Construction of the Ottoman Rail Network, 1869-1919,” at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, Buffalo
Awarded to
Ayala Lester
Grabar Post-Doctoral Award
Fatimid Jewelry from Palestine
Awarded to
Hala Auji
Grabar Travel Award